Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People People on the Move N° 104, August 2007 NOMINA DEL SOTTO-SEGRETARIO DEL PONTIFICIO CONSIGLIO DELLA PASTORALE PER I MIGRANTI E GLI ITINERANTI Il Santo Padre, in data 28 giugno 2007, ha nominato ad quinquennium Sotto-Segretario del nostro Pontificio Consiglio, il Reverendo Monsignore Novatus Rugambwa, Consigliere della Nunziatura Apostolica in Indonesia. Al nuovo Superiore vanno gli auguri di tutti i componenti del Dicastero, con lassicurazione della preghiera. CURRICULUM VITAE OF MONSIGNOR NOVATUS RUGAMBWA
Born on 8th October 1957 as the second child of Mr. Benedict and Mrs. Leocadia Rwechungura, Novatus was baptized on 3rd November 1957 in Bukoba, Tanzania.
He received his lower primary education at Nyakatare Catholic Primary School in Bukoba from 1964 to 1968 when he was admitted to the Preparatory Seminary of Rutabo in Bukoba Diocese, where he completed his upper primary education in 1971.
From 1972 to 1975 Novatus Rugambwa received his ordinary level secondary school education at St. Mary Minor Seminary, Rubya in Bukoba, followed by the High School Education at Itaga Minor Seminary in Tabora, Central Tanzania, from 1976 1977.
In 1978 Novatus joined the mandatory military service which was obligatory for all Tanzanians who have accomplished the High School Education.
In 1979 1981 Novatus was admitted to Ntungamo Regional Major Seminary in Bukoba Tanzania for studies in Philosophy.
1981 1984: Novatus Rugambwa frequented the Pontifical Urban University in Rome, obtaining the BA degree in Theology.
1984 -1986: He taught at St. Mary Seminary, Rubya, and helped in the pastoral work at Nshamba Parish in Bukoba Diocese.
On 5th January 1986: he was ordained a deacon by His Excellency Bishop Nestor Timanywa, Bishop of Bukoba, in the Mater Misericordiae Cathedral Church of Bukoba.
On 6th July 1986: Deacon Novatus was ordained to the priesthood and was incardinated in the Diocese of Bukoba, Tanzania. He was appointed Assistant Parish Priest at Nshamba Parish in the same diocese.
1987 1991: Father Rugambwa was admitted to the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy in Rome for courses in the Pontifical Diplomacy and, simultaneously, frequented the Pontifical Urban University where he obtained a Doctorate in Canon Law.
Fr. Rugambwa joined the Diplomatic service of the Holy See in July 1991 and has served in the following countries:
1991 1994: Panama, Central America
1994 1997: Congo Brazzaville in Central Africa
1997 2000: Pakistan in South West Asia
2000 2004: New Zealand and Oceania
2004 2007: Indonesia in South East Asia
On 28th June 2007, the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, appointed him as Under-Secretary of the Pontifical Council of the Pastoral Care for Migrants and Itinerant People.