Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People People on the Move N° 106 (Suppl.-I), April 2008 Current Situation of the Maritime World David Cockroft General Secretary International Transport Workers Federation ITF International Transport Workers Federation (ITF)
- Global union federation for transport workers
- 600 unions, 5 million transport workers
- Seafarers, Fisheries, Inland Navigation, Road, Rail, Civil Aviation and Tourism Services
- 230 seafarers unions representing 700,000 members
Aims of the ITF
- Organise solidarity between unions
- Represent transport workers to decision-making bodies, alongside governments and employers
- Provide information, education and assistance to strengthen the position of ITF affiliated unions
- Post Durban Congress, Organising Globally
ITF Maritime Activities
- ILO MLC, 2006
- ILO Work in Fisheries, 2007?
Current Challenges
- Isolation and job security
- Stress and criminalisation
- Security issues and denial of shore leave
- Safety and health problems, incl. Fatigue
- Abandonment
- Abusive practices in fisheries
Seafarers Welfare Study Commissioned by the ITF Seafarers Trust:
- To assess the current welfare needs of seafarers
- To inform Trust decision making processes when awarding grants to new projects
- To contribute to knowledge base on current conditions in the industry
Seafarers Welfare Study
- 4,185 questionnaires to seafarers
- - 3,792 returned
- 112 interviews with seafarers
- 200 survey questionnaires to owners and managers 86 returned
- 52 semi-structured interviews with owners / managers
Key Outcomes
- Seafarers priorities: communication and transport to facilities
- Of declining importance: organised sightseeing, sports facilities, meeting local people, reading room, video/book exchange, onshore accommodation
- Dominance of economic pressures
- Trend in dehumanising the job
- Reduced manning levels
- Faster turnarounds in port
- Long terms of voyage
- Increased pressure (criminalisation)
- Problems in accessing facilities
Shore Leave
- 64% of respondents to the survey had not had shore leave during the previous eight weeks
- 36% who had had shore leave during the period said their leave lasted for 2 hours on average
- Compares with 57% satisfied with shore leave in 1996 MORI survey
Seafarers Welfare Workers
- 72% said they had not seen any seafarers welfare worker onboard during their current contract
- Majority of seafarers would like to have contact with a welfare workers main reasons given: for information about the local area and for personal counselling
- 70% would like to have a welfare worker sailing on their vessels from time to time
Life at Sea Seafarers descriptions of their life: being in prison, isolated, lonely, a sacrifice to provide better conditions for loved ones What they would like: Free transport to welfare facilities, information about ports where they call, balanced application of ISPS, improved communication facilities ITF & AoS
- Over the lift of the Trust, AoS has received over £9 million in grants for use in more than 280 different projects
- Importance of co-operation and partnership with other agencies
- Welcome commitment to maritime welfare, look forward to more long-term maritime ministry initiatives