INTERVENTION BY THE HOLY SEE AT THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE UNHCR STATEMENT OF H.E. MONS. SILVANO M. TOMASI* Geneva Wednesday, 4 October 2006 Mr. Chairman, The Delegation of the Holy See adds its appreciation for yours, and for the UNHCR High Commissioner’s, able and committed leadership of the Executive Committee and in the cause of refugees and forcibly uprooted people. 1. The hundreds of victims whose lives have been lost in recent weeks and months in their desperate search for a more secure and decent existence is a red light of alarm that in our globalised world the international community is failing to uphold its goals of solidarity and protection. Around the world, through seas and deserts, people struggle to escape from war, from violation of their human rights, from famine. Motives and flows are mixed, a major challenge to the responsibility to protect, in our case responsibility to protect in general. While different mechanisms and institutional arrangements are in place to address different kinds of movement of people, clearly all of these people need protection. The valid distinction between migrants, asylum seekers and refugees has been blurred. A certain reluctance and fatigue to preserve such distinction in a fair way seem to prevail, thus weakening the protection role of the 1951 Convention on the Status of Refugees and the related 1967 Protocol as well as the 1969 Organization of African Unity Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa, the OAU Convention. It seems reasonable, both in south-south and south-north population flows, that in the determination of admission the UNHCR should complement the often political approach of States and guarantee the quality of the process through its presence or the implementation of its specific guidelines about selection. In this way, asylum seekers, who are a small proportion in these movements, will not be exposed to refoulement. 2. The wider awareness of the responsibility to protect should encourage an added effort to alleviate the plight of asylum seekers who on subsistent living and in a virtual state of limbo are scattered in various regions like, for example, the recent flows of Iraqis throughout the Middle East. They are particularly vulnerable. Conflicts prevent them from returning and in the country of temporary residence their status is not well recognized; it is almost that of stateless persons. Political necessity conditions the interpretation of the refugee convention even though reality on the ground, often effectively witnessed to by civil society organizations, would demand recognition of these individuals and families as entitled to Convention protection and assistance. It has become obvious in the current discussions that more resources are called for to meet all protection requirements and to address not just populations in a state of limbo, but also the 5.7 million of the world some 9 million refugees in protracted refugee situations, the more than four million Palestinian refugees, and the estimated 24 million internally displaced people (IDP). If international solidarity would add to its budget on aid to refugees a small proportion of the increase in arms expenses – from 1996 to 2005 military expenditure increased by 34 percent to US $ 1.118 billions in current dollars – then a major step forward would be taken toward an adequate response to the pains of uprooted humanity(SIPRI Yearbook 2006: Armaments, Disarmaments, and International Security. Oxford University Press, 2006, pp. 259-386). 3. Funds are a necessary but not sufficient requirement. The political will is needed to make the responsibility to protect comprehensive enough to embrace the prevention of forced displacement tragedies. The way of dialogue and of respect of human rights should replace that of conflict. Refugee camps, official and unofficial, would no longer stain the map of the world. In the meantime the task on hand is the dissolution of these camps through the classical strategies of voluntary repatriation, local integration and resettlement. It seems to this Delegation that for some present complex situations the option of resettlement should be revisited. A larger number of countries can welcome a larger number of refugees anxious to start a new life in freedom and self-reliance. It is not only an ethical obligation but also a practical advantage since several developed receiving countries face scarcity of manpower for their economy and for a sustainable demography. In the preparation of refugees for resettlement non-governmental as well as faith-based organizations can collaborate and provide competent help. In fact, as expression of civil society NGOs can be good partners for their closeness to the reality on the ground, their experience and their capacity to create a favorable public opinion for newcomers. But an effective partnership has to take into account the security of also their personnel and, in the least developed countries especially, that their overhead cannot be supplied by local resources. Mr. Chairman, 4. The initiatives undertaken to make UNHCR more effective and flexible, the "cluster approach", the reorganization of the budget, deserve support and they show its commitment and sensibility to the human face behind all statistics. Society at large should also renew its sense of responsibility to protect. First of all, education can transmit the values of solidarity and hospitality. Training to enforcement and border officials will enable them to recognize asylum seekers. Labour unions, employers, schools and faith communities can prepare their constituencies to an increasingly frequent encounter with people in need and to welcome them to build a common future. With the human person and his / her dignity at the center of concern, the responsibility to protect will continue finding the creative capacity to respond in a humane and fair way to today’s new developments. Thank you, Mr. Chairman
*L’Osservatore Romano, 16-17.10.2006 p.2. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Mgr Silvano M. TOMASI Intervention à la 57e session du Comité exécutif du Programme du HCR** Genève, 4 octobre 2006 Intervención a la 603ª sesión del Comité ejecutivo del programa del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados 9. El Sr. TOMASI (Santa Sede) dice que los cientos de personas que han muerto tratando de escapar de la guerra, las violaciones de los derechos humanos o el hambre recuerdan que la comunidad internacional no está cumpliendo sus objetivos de solidaridad y protección. Aunque existen distintos motivos y corrientes de migración, todas esas personas necesitan claramente protección. La aparente reticencia a mantener la útil distinción entre migrantes, solicitantes de asilo y refugiados disminuye la capacidad de protección de los instrumentos internacionales y regionales pertinentes. En relación con la admisión, la participación del ACNUR y la aplicación de directrices específicas pueden ser fundamentales para garantizar que los Estados no cuestionen el derecho de asilo. 10. Una mayor sensibilización sobre la responsabilidad en materia de protección contribuirá a aliviar la difícil situación de los solicitantes de asilo, que a menudo se encuentran en una situación jurídica incierta. La Convención sobre el Estatuto de los Refugiados debe interpretarse en base a las necesidades de protección más que en la conveniencia política. Se necesitan más recursos para ayudar a los solicitantes de asilo y abordar las situaciones prolongadas de los refugiados y los desplazados internos. 11. Además de recursos, también se necesita voluntad política para evitar los desplazamientos forzados. Si en vez de conflictos hubiera diálogo y se respetaran los derechos humanos, los campamentos de refugiados no serían necesarios. Por el momento los esfuerzos han de centrarse en la repatriación, la integración local y el reasentamiento. El reasentamiento en los países desarrollados puede beneficiar a ambas partes, ya que los Estados de acogida tienen a menudo problemas demográficos y escasez de mano de obra. Las organizaciones no gubernamentales y religiosas pueden contribuir significativamente a crear un entorno propicio para el reasentamiento. No obstante, para que se establezcan asociaciones efectivas con las organizaciones no gubernamentales es necesario asignar recursos suficientes que garanticen la viabilidad y la seguridad de sus operaciones. 12. Las iniciativas destinadas a mejorar la efectividad y la flexibilidad del ACNUR, el nuevo enfoque por grupos y la reorganización presupuestaria demuestran el compromiso de ese organismo con su causa humanitaria. La sociedad en general también debe renovar su compromiso de protección, solidaridad y hospitalidad. La formación destinada a los funcionarios de inmigración y los encargados de hacer cumplir la ley, así como la sensibilización, son instrumentos importantes.
**A/AC.96/SR.603 par.9-12. |