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Thursday, 23 April 1964
We welcome Your Majesties and Your Royal Highness to Our home, and We express Our sincere gratitude for the honour of your visit. We consider it to be an historic event, and it touches Us deeply. Rome, which never forgets the happenings of the past, today feels the revival of marvellous memories: the name of Saint Ansgar, apostle of Denmark, who came to Rome in the years eight hundred and thirtyone and thirty-two, and whom Our distant predecessor Gregory IV decorated with the pallium and named as his Apostolic Legate, is always remembered and honoured here; so too is that of King Saint Knud the Great, who was canonized by Pope Alexander the Third in the year eleven hundred and seventy.
Our feeling of lively satisfaction does not arise only from the glorious past, but also from the present: if not for the same motives, at least for reasons which make your noble Land most dear and respected to Us.
Your Majesties’ people are everywhere known for their diligence and industry, which have raised them to a superior standard of living. Nevertheless, they have not omitted to provide generously for the security and assistance of children, of the aged and the sick, and are never lacking in heartfelt liberality towards refugees and those smitten by natural disasters.
In Denmark itself, as well as in Greenland and the Faeröes Islands, We are happy to note the religious freedom upheld for members of Our Church. We, in turn, can assure Your Majesties that your Catholic subjects will ever strive to be first in loyalty to you and to their country, obedient to the civil authorities, and contributing to welfare and progress in every field of social and cultural activity.
In your Royal presence, We desire to send Our paternal greet ing to all the Danish people, those living in Denmark, the many who have emigrated throughout the world, and particularly to the sailors and fishermen on the seas. Upon all, We invoke choicest divine favours and graces; We ardently ask God to protect and prosper Your Majesties and the Royal Family; and, in the words of Your Majesty’s Motto, We pray: God guard Denmark!
*AAS 56 (1964), p.390-391.
Insegnamenti di Paolo VI, vol. II, p.268-269.
L' Osservatore Romano 24.4.1964 p.1.
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