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Saturday, 23 October 1965
Distinguished representatives of Trans World Airlines.
Your presence here this morning refreshes the pleasant memory of Our unforgettable visit to the United Nations where We made an appeal for peace on behalf of men everywhere. We take this occasion to thank you for having provided Us with comfortable and efficient transportation. Each one of you, in your own way, made an effort to guarantee that Our voyage would be a safe and happy one. We thank each one of you for your share because We know how hard you worked.
Modern science and new techniques have produced marvelous results. Not too many years ago, a trip such as Ours would have been unthinkable. The world has become very small and travel to every corner of this earth is within the reach of everyone. Men everywhere have come to know that all citizens of the world have similar ambitions and desires. They want a peaceful climate in which they can grow and develop. How wonderful it would be if people, realizing that they are all brothers of one human family, would work with and for one another in an atmosphere of mutual understanding and affection, and would share their knowledge and their riches so that all could benefit from the munificence of God’s creation!
Your work brings people into contact one with another. It is an important work even though at times you might not reflect upon it. You are helping to break down barriers which have separated peoples. You assist them in getting to know each other. With knowledge comes admiration and love. Unless men come to love one another there can be no real collaboration productive of an environment of peace. We urge you to motivate your work with such sentiments, and We are confident that you will make a precious contribution to universal understanding.
We thank you once again for your efforts in Our behalf, and in expressing Our sincere appreciation or these efforts, We invoke upon all of you and your co-workers an abundance of heavenly blessings.
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