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Tuesday, 1st September 1970
Mister Ambassador,
We warmly welcome you as you present the Letters of Credence by which you are accredited to the Holy See as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Zambia.
We are grateful for your kind words about Our efforts for world peace, and We assure you that it will continue to be Our constant task to try to influence men to live in brotherhood and fraternal charity. Where peace is in the heart there is no room for thoughts of conquest or recrimination.
Your Excellency wisely mentions frustration as a cause of conflicts between men: we must ever keep in mind that frustration arises out of disorder and that to avoid such disorder it is necessary to respect a correct hierarchy of values. Zambia is a Country which is in process of development for the well-being of its people. As you well know, such development must be integral, that is, it must be a development of the whole man both as an individual and as a member of the community: it must take into account and satisfy all those exigencies which have been placed in him by the Creator. A development which is restricted to the betterment of the material conditions of life and which does not lead, through economic and social progress, to the raising of the mind and heart of man to the Infinite would not be true development, but rather it would be an element of disorder.
We are indeed happy at the relations of cordiality and friendship which exist between this Apostolic See and the Republic of Zambia. Consoling too is the progress of the Church in your land -witnessed to by the many educational, medical and charitable works which she promotes. We are grateful for the co-operation given to the Church in the fulfilment of her mission, and We give assurance that she will always be at hand offering willing collaboration for the further spiritual and social advancement of your beloved people.
We are confident that you will fulfil your intention to develop even further the good relationship between your Country and the Holy See: be assured that the Holy See will extend to Your Excellency full cooperation to this end.
Please convey to your President and to the Government and people of Zambia Our heartfelt thanks for their greetings, and Our prayerful good wishes for progress, health and prosperity in peace. We hold in special affection your Country of Zambia and We pray that it may be graced with abundant blessings from the Almighty.
We offer to you personally Our very best wishes for the successful accomplishment of your mission.
*AAS 62 (1970), p.598-599.
Insegnamenti di Paolo VI, vol. VIII, p.821-822.
L’Attività della Santa Sede 1970, p.377-378.
L'Osservatore Romano 2.9.1970, p.1.
ORa n.37 p.3.
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