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Address of His Holiness Paul VI
to the Ambassador of the Honduras to the Holy See*
Monday, 22 November 1971
Mr Ambassador,
We listened with attention to the respectful words with which you wished to accompany the presentation of the Letters that accredits you as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Honduras to the Holy See.
We deeply appreciate these expressions of devotion to the Church and to this Apostolic See. They call vividly to our mind the Christian sentiments of all beloved sons in your noble country whom we always bear in our heart with the affection of a Father and Pastor.
You referred to world pace, progress and co-existence among men. As Your Excellency kindly pointed out, these subjects, so closely united, are for the Church an object of special attention, which our Predecessors and we ourself fostered with numerous Documents and with renewed efforts. The painful crises that afflict humanity today, both on the individual plane and on the national and international planes; the complexity of the problems and the range of their implications, particularly in the moral order; and the urgency of efficacious and complete solutions meet with an echo that is daily more intense and a dynamic sense of brotherly co-responsibility in the Church.
Faithful to the divine message she bears and in solidarity with the destiny of mankind within history, she wishes to serve men in a disinterested way projecting the light of the Divine Word on problems and exhorting all to action in solidarity in order to seek and implement solutions.
In this way she helps men to penetrate to the heart of events in all their dimensions, so that peace, progress and society will not be limited to external aspects only but will spring and draw strength from a continual transformation of hearts, a complete change of man himself. Humanity individuals and community must be active subjects of a future forged by themselves, which will meet man’s deep aspirations, a future in which everyone, and particularly the abandoned, the disadvantaged and the poor, will have the opportunity to develop fully their condition as citizens of the world and sons of God.
We know well the effort of the Church in Honduras, where under the wise guidance of their Pastors, priests, religious and faithful are carrying out dedicated work. We rejoice at what has already been accomplished and we trust that the effort will be more enthusiastic and resolute every day. This work of spiritual, moral, educational and social promotion is the greatest service that the Church can render to the whole people of Honduras.
We respond with deep gratitude to the respectful greeting you transmit to us on behalf of H. E. the President of the Republic, as well as to Your Excellency’s own devoted sentiments.
While we express to you our best wishes, we assure you, Mr Ambassador, of our benevolence for the successful accomplishment of your noble mission, and we warmly impart the implored Apostolic Blessing to yourself and to the Authorities of the nation, as well as to all our beloved sons of Honduras.
*ORa n.49 p.2.
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