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Thursday, 18 January 1973
Mr. Ambassador,
We listened with cordial interest to the words you have just addressed to us on presenting the Letters which accredit you as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Panama to the Holy See.
We thank you particularly for your expressions of appreciation for our action on behalf of peace and for the activity of the Church in your country.
As the bearer of the divine Message of salvation, which embraces all men in their march towards God and in their relations with the world. the Church expresses a characteristic solidarity with the legitimate aspirations and development of human life. She does not remain indifferent or neutral before the problems of the earthly pilgrimage, but intercedes resolutely and in a disinterested spirit in favour of mankind, always along the line that is characteristic of her, bringing to the efforts of individuals and nations the light of her word, the vision of a fuller humanism and the action of her sons, with the purpose of obtaining a more brotherly, just and peaceful world
We are, therefore, following with special interest the work that the Church, under the guidance of her Pastors, is carrying out in your country, collaborating in the good of all not only by encouraging the religious spirit, but also by her active participation in complete progress, concretely in those fields which are most characteristic of her, such as the educational mission, the promotion of a real Christian social doctrine, formation and assistance in the framework of family life. This is the spirit of collaboration that animates the Church and we trust that any difficulty that might arise will be solved in an atmosphere of mutual comprehension and understanding.
We hope that the Christian spirit, which traditionally distinguishes the Panamanians, and the desire of progress that animates them, to which Your Excellency referred, will con¬tribute decidedly to bringing the situation in Panama more into line with the aspirations of that beloved people. As advocate of the poor and needy, we trust that special attention will always be dedicated to them, so that not only will they be able to benefit from the advantages of progress but with each one being more himself and feeling himself such, they will be able to collaborate to bring about their own development and the development of the whole community. We are thinking at this moment with particular affection of the peasants and workers, who hope so much and can give so much to society.
We take the liberty also of recalling the young, the hope of the future and the stimulus of the present. Society must dedicate its constant efforts to them, so that their just aspirations and longings will meet with an adequate response and have the opportunity to be converted into fruits of brotherly progress and peaceful social life. The Church will always be present with special interest in this important work.
Returning respectfully the greeting that Your Excellency transmitted to us from the highest Authorities of your nation, we express to you, Mr. Ambassador, our best wishes and we assure you of our benevolence for the successful accomplishment of the high mission you are now beginning.
With these sentiments we invoke continual divine assistance on Your Excellency while we willingly bestow the implored Apostolic Blessing on all our beloved sons in Panama.
*ORa n.5 p.2.
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