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Vogliamo rivolgerci in modo particolare a due distinti gruppi di pellegrini, provenienti rispettivamente dalla Diocesi di Biella e da Macerata, Camerino ed altre Diocesi del Piceno.
Vi salutiamo con particolare affetto, carissimi figli, che ci portate il saluto di due belle regioni d’Italia e vi diciamo il nostro compiacimento per questo pellegrinaggio suggerito, come ben sappiamo, dalla intenzione di partecipare a questo Giubileo, che si celebra nella Chiesa.
Molti di voi, come vediamo, sono ammalati ed anziani assistiti dalla benemerita UNITALSI, ed è quindi con affetto ancora maggiore che vi parliamo, perché proprio in ragione delle vostre sofferenze partecipate più da vicino alla natura penitenziale dell’Anno Santo. E l’ideale ripetutamente da noi proposto, del rinnovamento interiore, per voi significa una più prossima adesione al Signore Gesù.
Vi sia di conforto sapere che noi vi siamo vicini, ben conoscendo quanto siano preziosi, nella economia della salvezza, il contributo delle vostre sofferenze e l’offerta che di esse fate quotidianamente al Signore, per adempiere quello che manca alla Passione di Cristo.
A tutti impartiamo di cuore la nostra paterna Benedizione.
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Comme chaque mercredi, Nous avons la joie de rencontrer des pèlerinages diocésains de France. Nous apprécions ces démarches communautaires des diocèses, avec leurs Pastears: elles contribuent à raffermir leur communion avec Nous, et par Nous, avec l’Eglise universelle, dans l’ordre de la foi et de la charité.
Nous avons nommé Avignon: comment un Pape pourrait-il oublier cette cité prestigieuse, où ses prédécesseurs ont résidé pendant un temps, en marquant son art et son histoire de façon particulière?
Nous avons nommé également Valence et Viviers, de chaque côté du Rhône; et plus haut, Tours, dans le cadre serein des bords de la Loire.
Etes-vous heureux, chers fils, de votre séjour? Nous l’espérons. A vrai dire, le succès d’un voyage comme le vôtre dépend en grande partie de la qualité de votre foi, de la qualité de votre prière, de votre souci apostolique pour ceux qui partagent chaque jour votre vie et votre profession. C’est là le secret de la densité spirituelle d’un pèlerinage. Mais pourquoi vous rappeler ce que vous savez sûrement très bien? Alors mettez-le en pratique et vous rentrerez en France avec des forces neuves, prêts à donner un témoignage plus authentique de vie chrétienne, à l’exemple du Vénérable César de Bus que Nous aurons la joie de béatifier dimanche prochain.
Avec notre Bénédiction Apostolique et nos vœux.
Dopo aver rivolto alcuni pensieri a pellegrini di lingua inglese, Paolo VI così parla a sette distinti gruppi.
We extende special greetings to the Diocesan Pilgrimage from Greensburg, led by the Bishop. Beloved sons and daughters, may the Lord bless you during your stay in Rome, and increase your faith, hope and charity. May you return home with an ever greater commitment to Christian living.
Present here this morning is a large group of Fire Officers from New York. We are very pleased to greet you and all those whom you represent. Take our greetings back to your city, to your homes, and to your fire stations.
Assembled here today with the Archbishop of Washington is a group of Episcopal Cathedral Deans. Our cordial and special welcome to you, dear friends, in this HoIy Year of reconciliation.
For our mission is “the ministry of reconciliation” (2 Cor. 5, 18) and our preaching is “the message of reconciliation” (Ibid. 5, 20). And we consider your presence with us here of great importance in our common efforts to proclaim before the world, to the glory of God the Father: “Jesus Christ is Lord” (Phil. 2, 11).
A large Canadian Delegation under the egis of the Ministry for Veterans’ Affairs is with us at this audience. Many of your have come with recollections of past events-some of them very sad event. And as you render homage to the memory of your countrymen, you stir up in your hearts and in the hearts of the young generation a convinction of the necessity of peace and a realization of its surpassing value. May God give you all peace in your hearts and in your families-peace for ever in your homeland, peace for ever in Canada!
Today, the feast of Saint George, we greet and welcome pilgrims from England-from Arundel and Brighton. We commend you for your solicitude in providing assistance to those in need.
May the Lord reward you and increase in you a sense of being one community in close union with your Bishop and in close solidarity with the entire Church of God.
There are members here today of the Interdiocesan Pilgrimage from Rhodesia. We welcome you most cordially. You have come a great distance, but you are close in our heart. Yes, dear sons and daughters from Rhodesia, you are always in our thoughts and prayers, May the Lord bless you and protect you and all the people of your beloved land.
We are happy to greet the Catholic Press Pilgrimage from Australia, led by an Auxiliary Bishop of Melbourne, Perhaps we met some of you when we visited your country. And perhaps some of you remember our statement on that occasion: “Among the many things said of the press along with the whole communications media is that it is World Power Number One”. And we added: “What a wonderful mission it is for those who place their intelligence at the service of truth and right! . . . you can be - you must be - the builders of a more just, true and peaceful society”. With the same confidence today, we repeat the same challenge. May Christ, the Truth, inspire you, and may his word live in you.
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