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Mercoledì, 23 febbraio 1950
Our dearest children of America, We come to speak to you for a brief moment; and Our heart fills with joy and consolation. How could the Holy Father not rejoice, be thankful to God, hopeful for Mother Church, to see almost two million and a half of the little lambs of Christ's flock so safe within the protecting walls of Catholic schools, which your priests and your parents at great sacrifice have built for you? We seem to see your smiling eyes and happy faces upturned, eager to greet Us and tell Us — oh so many things: how much you love Jesus, once a child like you, and how firmly resolved you are never to offend Him, never to be disloyal to His Church. With what special pride and fatherly affection We would listen to you speak of those at home you love so much and of the devoted, holy Sisters and Brothers who teach you and guide you. Through you the Holy Father sends them all His special Apostolic Blessing.
But now We want to tell you of some other children, who are not so safe, not so happy and hopeful as you are. They have no father or mother — they were killed in the recent wars; they have no home any more — it was left in ruins by the bombs. Where can they study and pray and play in peace, safe from the dangers that prowl the heartless streets? Where will they learn to know and love Our Lord, who loves them all so dearly?
We have been trying to provide some places for them and you have been helping Us succeed. Each year you have made your little offerings, and they have meant food and clothing and a home to your less fortunate brothers and sisters in other lands. What is more; your offerings have helped to keep these boys and girls safe from so many temptations to sin, which they certainly would have, if they had to spend their days, and perhaps nights with bad companions in the streets. How God loves you all for that! Now this is the Holy Year, the year when the Church asks all, even the little ones, to do some extra penance and make some special sacrifices; and these sacrifices are going to make it possible for you this year even to surpass your splendid record of the past in contributing to the Relief Fund of your zealous Bishops.
May the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Virgin Mother of God and your Mother, keep your smiling eyes and happy faces ever fixed on your divine Model, who comes to you as a welcome guest in Holy Communion. Now is the time when you must begin being saints. And may the Apostolic Blessing, which We give you now with all Our heart, win from heaven for you and all your dear ones the victory and the reward that only God can give.
*Discorsi e Radiomessaggi di Sua Santità Pio XII, XI,
Undecimo anno di Pontificato, 2 marzo 1949 - 1° marzo 1950, pp. 375 - 376
Tipografia Poliglotta Vaticana
Copyright © Dicastero per la Comunicazione - Libreria Editrice Vaticana